Wednesday, September 20, 2006


So. I was thinking about selling advertising on my blog, just as an exercise to figure out first hand how all this web-advertising stuff works. I went to this targeted-ad website called text-link ads, and submitted my blog for consideration. And they rejected it. wah. I'm so crushed. They said my blog did not have high enough traffic. Which I'm sure is true. The person who reads this blog the MOST must be me. And even then I read it only about once or twice a week, for entertainment. (It must be the height of narcissism--- for me to derive this much satisfaction from reading my own thoughts)

Anyways. I looked that some of the highest earners on that text link system, and they were all very focused blogs, dealing specifically with issues like technology, entrepreneurship... or Maine football scores. [further blow to my ego- that a website about football scores earns all that $$$]

I was trying very hard to think about how I can make my blog more focused in order to increase traffic, and also mebbe giving myself something concrete to write about, rather then just random reviews about books, movies and hiking, and whatever rant I happen to obsess about. But I dunno what I should write about that people will want to read!!!


1) Immunology -- but who wants to read about immunology? Even I can't stand it sometimes.
2) How I manage to screw up in lab -- eg. yesterday I forgot to add antibiotic to my bacterial plates, so I got like 5 billion colonies in every plate, including my negative control
3) Stanford
4) Hopkins
5) Singapore
6) How to get free food--- hhmm... maybe revive the Stanford free food mailing list
7) Random startup ideas
8) how to earn $$ as a student in Stanford-- including all the psych experiments I take part in.
9) Things to do in the Bay Area when not in lab
10) How to take over the world

Ok, I'm gonna take a poll. Please vote for your favorite topic via the comments section. or suggest your own. As long as it's something I can write about (eg. How to play tennis well -- is NOT a good topic; How to avoid getting killed while riding your bike around Stanford-- is a better one)....


J said...

I like #10!


Anonymous said...

I like:
8) how to earn $$ as a student in Stanford-- including all the psych experiments I take part in.

Because you have a lot of novel ideas on how to make money.

fen said...

You can do what I do and never speak to your friends and force them all to read your blog just to know anything about what you are doing ;)

Or fill it with pornography.