Tuesday, October 24, 2006

interesting idea

Xiao mei sez that there's this S'porean girl who blogged about some guy. This guy was complaining about S'poreans over 40 being marginalised by the society and the govt. Apparently she ended the post with "Please, get out of my elite uncaring face."

So S'pore, being a small place where everyone reads everyones' blog, is in a furor about this post: It reflects how our youth are so disdainful and privileged etc. And it's even juicier because she's the daughter of an MP.. *gasp*-- the offspring of our ministers don't care about the populace!!

Because I'm a scheming capitalist, I immediately thought about implications and ways to make $$ off this. After her post, her blog must receive hundreds of hit a day! Imagine the advertising $$!!! I too should post terrible incendiary remarks on my blog!!! But what can I say? The whole "I'm so smart and elitist" angle has already been taken, I don't want to be a copycat.

Xiao mei suggests saying something racist. In Singapore, that is death. It's worse than joining an opposition party. You'll probably find yourself on the next ship to Malaysia. Or Timbaktu. So.. I should say something racist, preferably including crude sexual references. That should be sufficient to exile my entire family from S'pore for at least 18 generations. Maybe more.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Things that make me panic

1. going to Guatemala with only my xiao mei, and with neither of us knowing spanish
2. other people graduating
3. me not graduating

ok.. I guess #1 is not a huge source of panic. I just need to learn some Spanish. Will go to the I-center. they have conversation classes on Tuesday nights. And it's free! =)

Meanwhile, am reading up on travelling in Central America. Sounds like fun. Chicken buses and Mayan ruins. comments/suggestions/travel tips will be greatly appreciated.

An important question arose when I was talking to my roommates tonight: Do Giraffes have vocal cords? I searched around a bit online and the consensus is that they CAN make noises. but do so rarely. However, the issue of the absence/presence of vocal cords was not convincingly addressed. Wikipedia also says that male giraffes engage in homosexual behavior:

"In one area 94% of mounting incidents were of a homosexual nature. The proportion of same sex courtships varies between 30 and 75%, and at any given time one in twenty males will be engaged in affectionate necking behavior with another male. Females, on the other hand, only appear to have same sex relations in 1% of mounting incidents."

I need to drink more water. I think I'm chronically dehydrated.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I want to sleep for a long long time

hm. interesting idea of Fen's-- to fill my site with porn. It'll be the world's first porn site without annoying pop ups. People will flock to it, and traffic will increase, and bam! Money.

There is only one small, almost insignificant problem-- I don't have any porn.

But I'm sure that you, my lovely readers, are more than willing to send me your stuff. Only tasteful ones, please. preferably NOT involving barnyard animals. other types of animals...? I'll think about it.

I will, of course, set it up as a separate site, so that readers with more ah.. delicate sensibilities will not be offended.

I'm thinking of going to London over Christmas to visit Kenneth n Peiyee. does anyone wanna come? free housing... am flexible with dates... A spring trip is also possible. Mebbe I'll hop over to Ireland while I'm there. Ever since I've heard about it I've always wanted to go to the top of the Guinness factory, to drink Guinness and look out over Dublin. And I wonder if they speak in Limericks in Limerick? That's Got to be pretty mind-wrecking.

I've decided to stop drinking alcohol for a while. Maybe a month... yups... today is a good day to start. Oct 1st - Nov 1st. this is because I've noticed that I've built up a greater tolerance for EtOH. Had 4-5 mixed drinks last night and hardly felt anything. Back in the day that'll either have me flat out on the floor, or at least jumping around with the immense urge to start singing. So. Maybe if I stop all EtOH intake for a while my tolerance will go back down. Plus I'm sure my liver will be happy. It's good to keep my liver happy.... Happy Liver. Lucky the happy liver. What a great idea for a children's TV show.

Right. Clearly, it's time for bed.