Saturday, June 30, 2007


Is a constant fight
Against the tide
Of submission.

was just thinking about the Buddhist philosophy that life is a constant wheel of suffering, and that one has to do good deeds to gain enlightenment and freedom from the cycle of birth and rebirth. I was also thinking about how, for any society to progress economically, the upper class has to screw the lower class-- someone has to provide cheap labor, and the faster you want to progress, the harder you have to push your masses. But the problem with this is that the masses don't like to suffer. Fortunately, you have religion to keep them content. Buddhism is a brilliant, brilliant philosophy-- Of course you have to suffer now, my dearest laborers-- this is because of bad deeds you've done in your past life. Thank heavens you're still a man, and not reborn as an ant. But don't worry, be content and do good deeds now, so that you have a hope for a better next-life. Meanwhile, try to detach yourself from all emotion, and btw, eat only vegetables.


no wonder it spread so readily to China-- they also have millions of Oppressed that need to be kept docile.

Life SUX. I hope I get reborn as something that dies really quickly. wait... I dunno... maybe not. ARGH. Bloody hell. I have no control over anything anyways. Who in f*ck cares what I want, or hope for, or aspire for with every fibre of my being...

There exists
Two worlds
One that's there, and
One that's not.


Anonymous said...

Hmm... you seem unhappy...

Sparky said...

wah lau P. why so angry?

Nan's Rojak said...


I love chocolate ice cream
The ice cream shop only sells vanilla ice cream..

I really love chocolate ice cream
I am upset.

I choose not to like vanilla ice cream.. I am more upset.

I choose to like all ice cream
I am happy.

I choose to like vanilla ice cream.
I am exhilarated!

- Nan

Anonymous said...

Smile and be *happy*! :)