Man at visa counter: $110 USD for the visa, payable in Bolivianos.
Char and I: can we pay in USD?
Man: No, only Bolivianos.
Us: We don't have any Bs. We can pay $220 USD.
Man: It is *takes out calculator* 1540Bs.
- after security-escorted trip to money changer on the other side of Bolivian customs -
Us: here is 1540 Bs
Man: You can also pay in USD.
--- a little part of us dies ----

The (brief) backstory of why we were in La Paz, Bolivia:
Me: I have one last trip to S. America, where should I go?
Eujin: Bolivia. It is weird and wonderful.
Unsuspecting Me: Ok!
After the visa debacle, we attempt to check in for our flight to Rurrenabaque (gateway to Amazon rainforest). But no one was at the Amaszonas counter. We were starting to feel light-headed and nauseous from the altitude (LPB airport is at 13, 313 ft), so we went to a cafe for breakfast. It was 7AM. Our flight was scheduled for 11AM.
A guy finally appeared at the counter, and said that it had rained the night before, so it was uncertain if it was safe to land on the dirt strip (aka runway) at Rurre.
The rest of the day passed in a drowsy blur, going something like this:
1. Feel dizzy. Sit down and fall asleep.
2. Wake up. Feel really good! Go to Amaszonas counter to talk to guy.
3. Guy says we have to wait. But maybe we will fly today.
4. Head starts to spin. Standing up is a bad idea. Grope my way back to seats.
5. Repeat from step 1.
2PM, the sun had apparently dried the runway enough that we would fly.
4PM, we got on the 19-seater twin propeller plane.
5PM, we landed in Rurre! Rurre reminds us of Malaysia/Indonesia/Guatemala. Dusty streets, chickens and motorcycles. But it's definitely a tourist town. There are many tour agencies, provision stores, and pizza bars.
6PM, we've booked a 3-day pampas tour with Fletcha tour agency
7PM, we've bought sunscreen, mosquito repellent, toilet paper, and water
8PM, we've had dinner, and think about going to bed. Picture below shows Charmaine in the fetal position, as she contemplates 2 more weeks in South America....
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