Sunday, February 17, 2013

Of canaries and canneries

A boisterous canary dug elephants from giant holes. Indeed, just keeping loose monsters neatly organized, provoked quiet remonstrances. Still, they unconditionally vested with xenophilic yellow zooids.

Once upon a time, there was a canary who sung terribly lewd songs, because it believed it was a pirate. Having been raised by pirates, you see, it didn't know any better. It dreamed of a day when it could sail the high seas, liberate the rich from their riches, and 'AAARRRR' with impunity.

However, life is often cruel, and this dream was not to be. Instead, the Capt'n was from this world untimely ripped, and the grieving canary passed into the hands of the youngest deckhand, Mozart, whose unfortunate name had imbued his young heart with the desire to compose classical music.


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