heh heh. finally decided to post again.
have been rather busy. taking one class (am appalled that they are subjecting ME to the indignity of homework), have to write up my thesis proposal, expts never seem to work but have loads of stuff to do in lab anyways.... sigh. so I decided that the best course of action now is to procrastinate as much as possible. Hence this new post.
I dunno if I should do this whole psuedo-intelligent social commentary thing that has been the recurrent theme of most of my previous posts. Seems like all I'm doing is displaying my embarassing lack of knowledge and amazing arrogance. But perhaps this is the true me.... someone who pretends to know a lot about everything and spouts the most ridiculous nonsense.... But then again I dun wanna post about my daily activities (horribly boring), my current favorite song/ food/ computer game, my personality test results etc etc... so perhaps the social commentary thing is the way to go. lemme know yar?
So my topic du jour is... um.... can't think of one just yet. In the meantime....: Big news this week in lab! my mice gave birth!! Now I have little blind pink things crawling around the bottom of the cage!!! I oscillate wildly between thinking that they are disgusting larger-than-life worm-like creatures, to marvelling at the miracle of life etc/finding them the cutest things ever. The mother mouse doesn't seem to notice that they're there. She kinda walks all over them. I thought she's suppose to provide them with milk!?! They're definately not gonna be able to eat the normal mouse food... they can't even see for pete's sake. Anyone with mouse breeding experience pls let me know....
Um. can't sleep yet, still waiting for my hair to dry. I truly believe that hairdryers are evil and overdry hair, hence damaging my precious locks. Also, I'm super-lazy and hate the noise they make. Someone should invent a super-absorbant towel that instantly dries hair. That'll be awesome. Right now the best way to avoid this problem is to just not have hair.... only problem is that I'd look terrible with no hair. *shudder*
Last night I dreamt that Iwas floating. Just couldn't keep myself on the ground. Monica says that floating dreams mean that one is having a sexual fantasy. !?!?!?! I don't understand..... if you're having a sexual fantasy, won't you just have a sexual fantasy? I don't see how floating is sexually fantastic. It was actually a pretty scary dream. I had to be really careful, else I would just float up and up and up and get lost in space. It's actually a recurrent dream... I've had the same one a coupl'a times already. Any alternative interpretations? Am also taking a poll: When you dream, what colour are your dreams? Multi-colour? black/white? sepia?
Lemme know,
If i remember correctly... heh my dreams are in color.
i saw some pple selling those at NTUC. super absorbant towels for hair. u wan? next time i see, i ship over to u.
wah cor. really got super absorbant towels for hair? NOW i've seen everything.
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