Friday, February 04, 2005


I'm really bored. Nothing seems to be interesting anymore. Lab is boring, wushu is boring..... I'm being sucked into the pits of ennui.... dunno how to get out. I wanna go skiing but I have no money.... plus I'm too lazy to drive. sigh. How now, brown cow? Mebbe I shd start playing Warcraft 3 again. At least I can have something to look forward to each day. I feel like one of those floating people in Chagall's paintings... drifting along amidst different hues and colors, things swirling around. Mebbe if I dig myself a nice deep dark hole, and move in, I will miraculously discover the meaning of life.

anyways. had a pretty funny article about 'if singapore were to host the olympics', and the modifications we'd have to the sports. I think the best one was the modification to weight lifting: from a kneeling position, athletes have to carry their bosses' private parts. *grin*. *sigh*... sometimes when I think about S'pore, I feel very sad.


Anonymous said...

Cool, I didn't know you were a gamer too.

If you're bored, maybe you need a new hobby?

P said...

oooh! what new hobby?? right now the only things on my 'potentials' list is 'watching paint peel' and 'watching toenails grow'. neither are very attractive.