Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bay to Breakers

Ran Bay to Breakers on Sunday!! [B2B is a 'race' across San Francisco, frm the Bay to the Ocean. Total length = 12km= 7.48 mi] Man, I've never run so much continuously in my life =). It wasn't too hard to keep my mind off boredom/pain/blisters/road, because running/walking around me were 60 000 other people dressed in Elvis costumes, grapes, santa hats, SpongeBob, and even one guy going as a portable earthquake shelter. !!?!! I only counted 15 naked people, but apparently there were a lot more of them walking at the back.

It was a stupendous event. People lined the streets to play music, watch and cheer, and I saw one guy on his balcony, in nothing but an Elvis wig and a very tight thong. *grin*

Mebbe next year I'll forget about the whole running thing. Just bring alcohol and walk/stagger the 12K.

Checked out the results online. Fastest guy time= 34.20min. Fastest gal = 39.09. SF Mayor Gavin Newsom=59.04. My time= 1h 25 min.

Didn't take any pictures because I was running, but check out the official online photo gallery: http://www.ingbaytobreakers.com/race_information/gallery.html

Oh, and as always, there were people dressed as salmon running 'upstream' against the flow of traffic. =). Didn't see the sushi chef that's supposed to be running after them, though.

Good times.


Anonymous said...

1 hr 25 minutes very good meh?? so yaya papaya =P

P said...


my time was posted for contrast, to remind me of how lousy I am.

thanks for rubbing it in.