Monday, September 03, 2007

Lost, I Stand Alone.

I just saw the documentary "Jesus Camp".

It kinda freaked me out. It's about this group of Evangelicals who run a summer camp for kids, in the name of bringing them closer to God. However, it's actually an insidious campaign to inculcate their political beliefs into 5-12 yr olds. The movie focuses on the abortion issue but I'm sure creationism, global warming, homosexuality etc etc are also mentioned in these camps.

The kids in the film are really into Jesus/God/Holy Spirit, which is not necessarily a bad thing. And while it's true that moral values should be taught when young, i think that representing global warming as 'nothing to worry about', and teaching that the earth was created 6000 yrs ago is just WRONG... I think that if people don't believe in overwhelming scientific evidence, then they shouldn't believe in television, or satellites, or DNA testing, or any of the rest of it..... If these people are truly in touch with the Holy Spirit, and if God is a Good God.... how can it be telling them to keep driving their SUVs and to teach their kids all this???

I'm more convinced than ever that the way to take over the world is with a cult of brilliant, fervent kids, who believe everything you tell them because that's all they hear. Look at the young suicide bombers in the Middle East, the children in Nazi Germany.... it's so important to catch them when they're young... and idealize 'death for the cause', because once they grow up they might start to think for themselves. I think 12 yrs old is the maximum age. Puberty is the enemy.

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