Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Weird Movies

have been watching a lot of weird movies lately.

Harold and Kumar-- 2 guys who crave White Castle burgers, and have a bizarre night getting there. Moral of the story: Big bags of weed look disturbingly fetching in pink cardigans.

Big Fish-- 1 guy traces the life of his father, the big fish. Moral of the story: People will still leave you even if you steal their shoes. They might come back later, though. Moral #2: Alcohol makes weird movies not so weird.

The Aviator-- Leonardo plays Howard Hughes, psychotic but brilliant visionary (Howard Hughes foundation still supports a lot of life science research today). Moral of the story: ummm... i dunno yet. still extremely freaked out by the whole psycho thing. just saw the movie tonight. he had the whole Lady Macbeth 'Out-damn-spot!' thing going on too. erm. if pressed, I would say that the moral is, er.... If you're completely cuckoo, intelligent and beautiful women are not gonna marry you.

also saw the movie 'Sideways'. Super boring. don't watch it. if u wanna drink wine come to SF and I'll bring u to Sonoma. free tastings, excellent Chardonnays.


Zena said...

Haha... what a laugh, this blog entry... =)

Anyway, I'm coming to SF soon. Any chance of a session of wine tasting? =p

P said...

sure! sonoma is beautiful this time of year. just let me know when.